• As an abstract painter based in Alaska, I find immense inspiration in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature that surrounds me. Through my expressive brush strokes and the dynamic interplay of layered textures, I strive to capture the adventurous spirit, sense of freedom, individuality, and sustainability that define my unique artistic style.

    Setting up my painting studio outdoors amidst the breathtaking Alaskan landscape, I immerse myself fully in the beauty of nature. This allows me to forge a deep and authentic connection with my surroundings, infusing my artwork with the essence of the environment that surrounds me.

    A distinctive aspect of my creative process is my use of natural foraged materials to paint with. I seek out pigments and dyes from the wild, harvesting them sustainably and incorporating them into my work. This not only adds an organic authenticity to my pieces but also underscores my commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability in my art practice.

  • In my art journey, I've discovered that the world is teeming with color waiting to be uncovered. From the vibrant hues of kitchen scraps like avocado pits to the rich blues of wild blueberries found in the Alaskan hills, and even the subtle tones hidden in snowy winters through spruce cones and lichen, color surrounds us in every corner of nature. I've found rock pigments on trails, seashores, and in desert landscapes, each offering a unique color palette.

    The magic of color lies not just in its presence, but in the exploration and curiosity it ignites. By foraging for natural inks and pigments, I've not only enriched my art but also deepened my connection with the world around me. There's a vastness of color waiting to be discovered—all it takes is a keen eye and a willingness to explore.

  • I find immense joy in sharing my knowledge and experiences with fellow nature lovers and artists. As a sustainable artist, I am passionate about inspiring others to explore their creativity while honoring and preserving the natural world. Through my blog posts + newsletter, I delve into the depths of sustainable art education, providing insights into how individuals can create their own inks, dyes, and pigments using eco-friendly methods.

    By sharing my journey and expertise, I hope to empower others to embrace sustainable practices in their own artistic endeavors, fostering a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to creating art that not only inspires but also respects and protects the planet.

  • For me, creativity and curiosity go hand in hand when it comes to using nature as my medium. Inspired by the diverse landscapes I encounter, I embark on foraging journeys to collect materials that will breathe life into my artwork. Each landscape offers its own palette of colors and textures, and by merging these with my artistic vision, I create pieces that harmonize with the natural world.

    Curiosity serves as my guiding principle throughout this process. I remain open to experimentation, constantly trying new techniques and allowing the materials themselves to inspire new colors and forms in my artwork. This sense of curiosity not only fuels my creativity but also deepens my connection with nature, fostering a dynamic and ever-evolving relationship between artist and environment.

Take a glimpse into my nature-filled creative space.





studio journal